
Page 280 in Light FROM the Darkness – A Different Perspective of Difficult on Difficult Times I know I’m not the only one. I know that there are so many of us who didn’t have a mother or who didn’t have a father and those who didn’t feel like they had any parent even if … Read more

What Does It Mean to Be Healed?

The Search for Healing People in search of healing are usually looking for something to make the hurting stop, and to make it so they will never hurt again. But it’s okay to hurt . . . knowing that letting it hurt is part of being healed. It took me a lifetime to learn this … Read more

The More I Resist . . .

The more I resist the rejection of another, the more rejected I get. The more I try to make you love me, the sooner your rejection will come. The more I resist feelings of depression, the deeper the depression goes. The more I try to fall asleep, the more alert and awake I become. The … Read more