The Search for Healing
People in search of healing are usually looking for something to make the hurting stop, and to make it so they will never hurt again.
But it’s okay to hurt . . .
knowing that letting it hurt is part of being healed.
It took me a lifetime to learn this lesson.
Healing from Addiction
It is this knowing that keeps me free of the addictions that plagued my life (food, Ambien, codependency, etc.)
I used those addictions in order to not feel.
Today, because I let myself feel,
I can be okay without the use of any substance, that is not a part of me,
I am free of all addiction.
How did I achieve this?
I discovered that it is futile to strive to never have any problem,
or to never have anyone hurt me,
or to never feel awful again.
The search for how to never be hurt again is futile because those hurts are part of living.
If we live life to the fullest we will get hurt.
If we try to not live life to the fullest we will hurt even more.
Life has ups and downs.
But everything passes.
Everything is temporary,
the wonderful and the terrible.
It’s all temporary.
Today’s problem gets resolved and another materializes.
That is our soul journey.
What to do?
We need to reach inside,
into the dark places within each of us
to find the Light to which the darkness leads us,
to find the Light that is from that very darkness.