Reviews of Light from the Darkness

Light from the darkness by chana klein

Amazon Reviews of
Light From The Darkness: A Different Perspective on Difficult Times (Volume 1)

Read the reviews on Amazon

Wow! A gripping, powerful & poignant reflection on a challenging life. Most readable and engaging!

Rabbi Menahem Meier, Phd, Shlita

Breathtaking, and the art is perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for allowing me this wonderful experience.

Rabbi Simcha Weinberg, Shlita

I have had 3 disappointing marriages and amazing light came from the darkness of each of those relationships. At this time, I am so grateful for those disappointments (Over Shabbat I read Chanah Klein’s book that you sent…it was amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sending it to me!). Reading Light from the Darkenss helped me re-frame the way I see those relationships because incredible spiritual and self growth came from each one.


Hi Chana! Hope you’re doing well. I tried calling you and I just wanted to say hello and see how you are doing.
I recently sent your first book to someone who I felt really needed it. They finished the book in one sitting in a span of one or two hours. They felt like it spoke to them and they liked how it was ADHD friendly in their own words they texted me:

I just finished it
This is amazing
Holy shit
I wanna meet this woman
that was literally incredible, like, I could not put it down
I felt like I was watching my favorite tv show. Like I was sitting outside with my poppy and he was on the phone with his friend and like I felt focused and clear
I’ve never read something so easy and good
I’ve never finished a book so fast

This is coming from a person who doesn’t usually read books outside of school or work and has ADHD.
So thank you!
Your writing has made a big impression on them.

Michael Aminov