There is no extra charge for check-ins that are up to 10 minutes
1-time 90-minute session in person $225
4 x 30-minute coaching/healing sessions – $260 ($65/session)
4 x 45-minute coaching/healing sessions – $340 ($85/session of 45 min)
There is no extra charge for check-ins that are up to 10 minutes
The fee is payable through Zelle QuickPay under Light FROM the Darkness, Inc, or under the cell phone 917-699-5546
Payment is due four business days before the session to hold that time for you.
- Appointments must be kept and you must arrive or call on time.
- If you are late, we will work for the time that is left of that session.
- If you miss a session, failing to give proper notice (2 business days) it will be considered a paid appointment.
- Also, if you cancel a session less than two business days in advance, that session will be forfeited and considered a paid appointment.
- There must at least two business-days’ notice regarding a change of appointment.
- I encourage check-ins between sessions to clarify, reinforce, and keep you progressing.
No extra charge for check-ins up to 10 minutes.
- There are NO refunds.
- There is no expiration date to the paid sessions. You may use them anytime during Chana’s lifetime. (She plans on living to 110 years old.)
I encourage check-ins between sessions to clarify, reinforce, and keep you progressing.