Fee Schedule & Session Details
- 90-Minute Session: One-time session in person is $225.
- 30-Minute Sessions Package: Four sessions at $260 total, averaging $65 per session.
- 45-Minute Sessions Package: Four sessions at $340 total, averaging $85 per session.
- Complimentary 10-minute check-ins are available between sessions for progress reinforcement, with no additional charge.
Payment & Scheduling Policies:
- Payment Method: Payments are accepted via Zelle QuickPay. Please use “Light FROM the Darkness, Inc” or the provided cell phone number for transactions.
- Payment Due: Fees are to be paid four business days prior to the session to reserve your spot.
- Appointment Policy: Sessions must be honored promptly. If late, the session will continue for the remaining scheduled time only.
- Cancellation Policy: Cancellations or rescheduling require at least two business days’ notice. Without proper notice, sessions will be counted as completed and paid.
- Refund Policy: All payments are final and non-refundable.
- Session Validity: Paid sessions do not expire and can be used any time during Chana’s lifetime (she humorously anticipates living to 110).
For maintaining momentum, clients are encouraged to utilize check-ins to ensure continuous progress.
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